Job Seekers
Jobs West is an employment program for adults with developmental disabilities. Our staff work together with program participants to find and maintain work placements within your community. Work options include volunteer, work experience, and paid employment.
The program works on a continuous intake basis. Semi-independent skills are required for success in the program and in the community work placements. Our services include pre-employment skills, college referrals, workshops, skills assessment, community resources, and employment support.

What Can Jobs West Do For You
Stage 1: Preparation
- Skills Development
- Assess your work skills
- Career awareness and exploration
- Resume Preparation
Stage 2: Placement
- Develop a job search plan
- Provide assistance and training with job search skills
- Support individual “self directed” job search
- Assist with job interviews and interview skills
- Market job seekers for opportunities that match interests and abilities
Stage 1: Post Placement
- On-the-job training
- Support workplace accommodations if necessary
- Follow-up support
- Retraining if the job description changes due to promotion or reorganization
- Referrals to colleges and other community resources
- Advocate and support the rights of individuals to actively participate in the community

How Can You Apply
Potential applicants are requested to contact Jobs West at 604-732-7776.