Jobs West has supported Ann Marie with various employment needs for over 15 years. Throughout her time with Jobs West, Ann Marie has received relevant training to help her enter the workforce and has gained both volunteer and paid experience in the clerical and warehouse fields.
Ann Marie’s current position began when Jobs West worked with N. Jefferson Ltd., a wholesaler distributing sewing, quilting and knitting supplies, to develop a “Product and Package Assistant” role. Recognizing Ann Marie’s education and experience meant she would be an excellent fit for this position, Jobs West staff recommended her to N. Jefferson and in short order she was brought onto the team.
Today, Ann Marie works every Wednesday, and is assigned a variety of tasks which she engages in at her own pace. Thus far, her duties have included organizing, sorting, packaging and labeling various craft accessories that arrive in bulk orders before they are processed and shipped to N.Jefferson’s clients across Canada. Ann Marie is very pleased with her current position at N. Jefferson and her employers are delighted to not only have improved their operations but to have Ann Marie as part of their team. Ann Marie has been such a success thus far that she has already been asked to take on more tasks and is currently in discussions to add an additional shift onto her weekly schedule.